Terms and conditions

  1. General

    1. When purchasing goods and services from companies within Egersund Group*, Norwegian warrants applies, with the clarification that appears below.

      (*Refers to the following companies: Egersund Trål, Egersund Net, Egersund Herøy, Meløy Notbøteri, AS Fiskenett, OK Marine og Egersund Trading)
    2. The offer is valid for 30 days from offer-date, unless otherwise agreed. After this date we reserve the right to cancel the offer or adjust prices.
  2. Deficiencies and Complaints

    1. Buyer is obliged to examine the goods as soon as it is delivered. If the buyer discovers defects in the goods, the buyer shall immediately claim against the seller.
    2. Buyer shall give notice in writing of the defect within 2 - two weeks after the defect has been found. The notification shall contain a description of the defect or how it appears. If such notice is not sent within the time limit set here, the buyer looses the guarantee.
    3. Seller is not liable for defects caused by materials that the buyer has hoarded himself, or for structures and technical solutions that are prescribed or specified by the buyer.
    4. Seller is not liable for defects caused by incorrect use or installation or failure caused by improper maintenance of the delivery.
    5. Seller's liability for defects lapse if the buyer has undergone adjustments to the equipment, or repairs have been performed improperly.
    6. Lack of liability does not apply to normal wear and tear or damage caused by extreme loads on equipment.
    7. Seller's liability for products or items in the product that is supplied by the seller`s subcontractors is limited to the responsibility of what the seller may assert against their suppliers.
    8. Seller's liability is limited to complaints which are called upon within 1 - one - year from the day the delivery has been put at buyer's disposal. If the delivery has been used more intensively than normal for the delivered equipment, the one-year period is truncated corresponding to the increased utilization.
    9. If there is made complaints rectification, a new one year claim limit for the portion that is directed starts running. For the rest of the delivery, the period of one year extension of the period for which the buyer has not been able to put the delivery in use, as a result of warranty work.
    10. If the buyer has made a complaint, and the complaint work proves that no shortage exists , the seller is entitled to a compensation for expenses incurred by the seller as a result of warranty work.
  3. Delayed delivery

    1. If the seller cannot deliver the goods on time , the buyer shall immediately be informed of the delay and the new delivery date . If the buyer accepts the delay, the new delivery date is the correct delivery date.
    2. If the delay is caused by the seller, and the delay would cause distinct disadvantages that the buyer has informed the seller about, the buyer can claim liquidated damages (penalty) for delayed delivery. The fine amounts for each full week of delay is 0.5 % of the purchase price for all or part of the goods the buyer can not utilize. The fine is calculated from the day the buyer has filed a written request pursuant to this provision, and the fine may not exceed 7.5% of the measurement.
    3. Seller is not responsible for delays due to force majeure or other circumstances beyond its control.
  4. Liability

    1. Seller financial liability to the buyer for any loss due to delayed delivery, as well as errors and defects in the goods, is invariably limited to 7.5% of the agreed purchase price.
  5. Delayed payment

    1. Upon the payment period, the buyer is obliged to pay the applicable default interest.
  6. Sales Collateral

    1. Seller has a mortgage on the goods delivered until the purchase price, including interest and costs , is paid in full.
  7. Disputes

    1. Should a dispute arise in the extension of a signed supply contract, the Egersund Conciliation and valleys District Court , 4370 Egersund , is the legal venue.